Antigone des Associations 2016
As every year, the ALK will take part in the Antigone des Associations event to be held in Montpellier on next September 11th. Come and meet us at our booth (#989) from 9am to 7pm.
As every year, the ALK will take part in the Antigone des Associations event to be held in Montpellier on next September 11th. Come and meet us at our booth (#989) from 9am to 7pm.
This year, the Languedoc Kyudo Association (Association Languedocienne de Kyudo – ALK in french) will celebrate its 30th anniversary. We hope you can all come and share this event with us. It will be a great occasion to meet Marie-Thérèse Kolmer, our sempaï and co-founder of the ALK, who will honor us of her presence. […]
As every year, the ALK will take part in the Antigone des Associations event to be held in Montpellier on next September 14th. Come and meet us at our booth from 9am to 7pm.
The Languedoc Kyudo Association (ALK) is proud to announce that, on the 5th of may 2014, during its examination session, the ANKF (All Nippon Kyudo Federation) granted Charles-Louis Oriou with the title of Kyōshi. The ALK presents him its warmest congratulations. After Laurence Oriou sensei and Claude Luzet sensei, France now counts three Kyōshi, two […]
As every year, the ALK will take part in the Antigone des Associations event to be held in Montpellier on next September 8th. Come and meet us at booth #966, avenue du Pirée, next to the Lez river. A demonstration in traditional outfits is planned at 10:30am on the Dyonisos place.